Embracing All Things New

More encouragement

September 2019

By Beth Hall

A picture of some grass and the bible.

Two moves in 18 months have left me anxious, nervous, disoriented, and more than shell-shocked.

People have repeatedly said to me, “I don’t know how you’ve done this twice.” I think to myself, “I don’t know how I’ve done this 11 times!”

Yes, I’ve moved 11 times. Not cross-town moves. Or “let’s get a bigger house” or “let’s put the kids in better schools” moves, but 11 state-to-state moves. Not one of these moves has been my choice. Dad’s job transfers, husband’s job transfers, and I’ve been along for the ride.

As I write this, I am 5 months into the latest state-to-state move.

I have come to realize that each move was part of God’s plan for me: part of his molding and part of my growing. Each move taught me something, something about myself and something about God. Each move stretched me and changed me. “Old things passed away, behold all things became new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Can I just say that, literally, all things have become new again? New home, new school, new neighbors, new church, new grocery store, new state! With all the new, valuable lessons are learned. Lessons learned in each new location and each new state.

As I’ve learned 11 times, what lies ahead is to be embraced.

Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

I look back with nostalgia and longing, because the past holds sweet memories. While I choose to fondly remember the past, I also plan to embrace the unknown future that each move holds.