Just Moved Ministry will show you how you can adapt, feel connected, and thrive after a move.

A group of women sitting in front of each other.

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After the Boxes Are Unpacked

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Encouragement for the uprooted woman

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Hope for the uprooted

Through Biblical teaching and personal support, we prepare, encourage, and equip a woman to let go and trust God, start over with hope, and move forward in faith.

"God bless your soul for this ministry you have created for a distressed, moved woman. I thank you for your words and teachings. They have brought me through to a place of “I think I'm going to make it.” - Wendy

Whether it's a big move, the break up of a relationship, illness, a wayward child or other stressful hurdle, this issue of Bloom will launch you on a journey of letting go, starting over, and moving forward.