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In the next issue: Active Listening
When was the last time you felt truly heard and understood?
Do you practice the generous art of listening?
In a world where communication is often fast-paced and fragmented, we can forget the value of truly listening to the people around us. Active listening is an essential skill that fosters better understanding, stronger relationships, and more meaningful interactions. But what exactly is active listening and why is it so important? Read the issue now
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We have been in Phoenix for a year now. I am a Chicagoland native, mother of 3 girls, Nana to 1, married almost 22 years. We moved to Colorado in 2010 with our two youngest to start a business, we poured all our time into them and business and neglected most other things. I had found a great women’s ministry, what I fondly refer to as my “Jesus in the flesh or tribe” and due to starting another business out of state and then covid it all disintegrated. I am here now, our two youngest are at GCU and our oldest daughter and granddaughter are in Ohio. All our family other than that back in Northern IL. I miss and need community, I have made a couple of friends, work from home but need more. I miss my tribe, my heart hurts and I need a place to call home and commune. Is there a group in Phoenix? We are in the Biltmore area.
I’m so glad you left a message, Shawnie. You’ve turned to the right place in your search for community. Scottsdale Bible Church has four campuses and there is an After the Boxes Are Unpacked group currently meeting at all four. In each of the groups you’ll meet other women who are new to the community and longing for connection. All of the groups just recently started for this semester. You will be welcomed at any one of them! The group that meets at the Shea campus in Scottsdale (the mother ship) meets on Tuesday mornings and is taught by Susan Miller, the author of After the Boxes Are Unpacked and the founder of Just Moved Ministry. The Cactus campus is possibly the closest to you. That group meets on Wednesday mornings. Go to and select a campus in their dropdown menu. Then click Connect > Women.
I have lived in 10 states!! Way too many…I was the daughter of an “adventurer” and the wife of a business man turned Pastor. I NEED some stability. I have a small family and always search and try to find a “sister or two in Christ” wherever I live. I’ve been blessed over the past 20 years in doing that. But, after a move it can be so very lonely for quite a while until I “connect” with a trustworthy, loving, and fun friend who likewise adopts me into her family.
Oh Wendy! There are so many of us who feel the same way! May you experience God’s companionship in a deep and meaningful way and keep “putting yourself out there” to make new friends. Bless you.
Ann Kelley
I’ve lived in six states and two countries. I have always made m best friends who became my local family at the churches we attended.