A less stressed Christmas

less stressed Christmasby Ann Kelley

Do Christmas preparations leave you worn out and weary? Research has revealed that, in general, women are more stressed about Christmas than men are.

Women tend to feel more strongly about carrying on traditions and creating positive family experiences. As a result, they may take on the bulk of the responsibilities for gift-buying, decorating, entertaining, and food preparation.

How can you keep from being that woman who’s stressed and overwhelmed at Christmas time? Here are 10 tips to get you started on a less stressful holiday.

  1. Sit down with your family and talk about what kind of Christmas you want. What traditions are most important? Which traditions can be dropped?
  2. Keep Christmas preparations simple. No need to put out every last wreath and Christmas light that you own, just choose a few of your favorites. Why bake all six of the Christmas cookie recipes? A couple of recipes will suffice.
  3. If you’re married, divide responsibilities with your husband. Get the kids involved with tasks that are appropriate for their ages.
  4. Get regular exercise. You may feel too busy or that it’s too cold outside, but neglecting exercise will add to your fatigue and make it easier for you to gain weight. Go to a gym or find an open space in your living room for a workout using the Sworkit app.
  5. Order gifts online. Lots of time can be saved by not schlepping through town to find the perfect gift.
  6. Be realistic about what you can accomplish each day.
  7. Balance the activity of Christmas prep with regular moments in prayer, scripture reading and meditation, and just being with God. This priority will add to your sense of peace and patience and will serve to remind you of what Christmas is all about.