After the Boxes Are Unpacked Video Series

View a sample of the Video Series
Our Video Series is a very popular format for leading an After the Boxes Are Unpacked group and is based on the book, After The Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller. Susan is founder and president of Just Moved Ministry.
With the Video Series, offering an After the Boxes Are Unpacked study is easy and rewarding! All that is needed is a DVD player and a facilitator to help promote discussions and you’re on your way to an exciting ministry to newcomers!
Join Susan’s video classroom as she guides women through the process of “Letting Go, Starting Over and Moving Forward” with their lives after a move. During each 40- to 50-minute session, Susan shares insightful stories and practical, biblical principles that offer hope to women while encouraging them to move closer to God.
Included with the series is our easy-to-use Facilitator Guide (view sample). This guide has done all the homework for the facilitator and will help promote discussions and encourage your group to get the most out of their time together.
Since the series is based on the book, After The Boxes Are Unpacked, this book is highly recommended for each participant. Also recommended is the Newcomer Study Guide. It offers study questions that will help each woman go deeper in her personal journey of a move. Available from our web site or by contacting Just Moved, both books will be appreciated, cherished, and referred to often.
When you purchase the Video Series for a group study you get one-on-one coaching and encouragement and access to our Online Teaching Resources: reproducible handouts suggested for each session, teaching and publicity ideas, and publicity materials, including a reproducible poster, brochure, and half-page flyer.
When you order After the Boxes are Unpacked for your group members from Just Moved, you receive a discount on the book and you support the ongoing efforts of the ministry.
Overview of the Video Series
Facilitator Guide and 3 DVDs (4 sessions on each DVD) in a sturdy plastic case
Disc One: Sessions 1,2,3,4 (session length is rounded to the nearest minute)
Session 1 Your Journey After a Move (36 minutes)
Session 2 Looking Back; Cherish or Cling? (43 minutes)
Session 3 The Stress of Moving; A Ding or a Nick? (42 minutes)
Session 4 Have Suitcase, Will Travel; Remove Your Luggage Tags! (43 minutes)
Disc Two: Sessions 5,6,7,8
Session 5 Create A New Nest (45 minutes)
Session 6 Bloom Where You Are! (42 minutes)
Session 7 A Place in Your Heart Called Loneliness; Nobody Knows My Name (58 minutes)
Session 8 Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? (44 minutes)
Disc Three: Sessions 9,10,11,12
Session 9 Roots and Wings; Borrow an Egg (45 minutes)
Session 10 Come Full Circle After a Move (50 minutes)
Session 11 Back in the Saddle Again! (37 minutes)
Session 12 A Move in the Right Direction (40 minutes)
Additional resources for groups using this material
Register your After the Boxes study with Just Moved Ministry and we’ll include it in our U.S., military, or International Group Location Directory at Newcomers searching for an After the Boxes study in your area will be able to find you.
You’ll also receive the monthly On the Move email newsletter with information, teaching tips, and important updates for our group leaders.
Just Moved Ministry is committed to the success of your After the Boxes group. Your questions, comments, prayer requests, and updates are encouraged and welcomed by our friendly, hands-on support team. 480.991.5268. [email protected]
“We are especially pleased with and thankful for the videos. They are a huge, HUGE blessing. Sandy and I are not teachers by any stretch of the imagination, but with the videos, we do alright facilitating, crying, laughing and praying.”
West Edmonton Christian Assembly
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada