Scroll down for instructions for taking a screen shot of your virtual group
Every month we feature an After the Boxes are Unpacked study group. These groups are offering friendship, connection, and the path to emotional well-being and spiritual growth for women who have been uprooted by a move.
February 2025
Greenville, SC Community Group
Group Leaders: Ann Gregg and Jan Hurst
Anna Gregg attended Susan Miller’s ABAU class in the Fall of 2014. From that first class, Anna became a wonderful ambassador for Just Moved Ministry as she moved from Arizona to California to South Carolina.
Jan Hurst met Susan more than 20 years ago in Puerto Rico where Jan was co-leading the ABAU study. Fast forward several moves and Jan also ended up in South Carolina.
Anna and Jan connected and started leading the study to an area-wide community near Greenville, SC. Many uprooted women benefited from their guidance, encouragement, love, and care!
The photo below was taken at a recent reunion of those who were able to attend. What fun!
Whether leading a study or not, they both have a heart for the uprooted and continue to minister to those who are new to their area! Anna now guides uprooted women through the study as a Virtual Study Facilitator.
Thank you Anna and Jan for your devotion to the uprooted!

Spotlight your After the Boxes Are Unpacked group!
To spotlight your After the Boxes Are Unpacked group, please provide the following info:
1) Church, military installation or neighborhood name, city, and state
2) Group Leader’s Name
3) A few sentences describing how God has used the study in the lives of women and/or the impact it’s had on your church or community
4) web site address, if applicable
By Email: [email protected]
Group Photos: attach a photo to your email. We love sharing pictures that show your group enjoying each other. Be creative!
Follow these easy steps to take a screen shot of your virtual group
On a PC:
When your study group has gathered virtually, press the Print Screen (prt sc) key on your keyboard.
Open your favorite image editor (like Paint, GIMP, Photoshop, GIMPshop, Paintshop Pro, Irfanview, and others).
Create a new image, and press CTRL + V to paste the screenshot.
Save your image as a JPG, GIF, or PNG file.
On a Mac:
To take a screenshot, press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 3.
If you see a thumbnail in the corner of your screen, click it to edit the screenshot. Or wait for the screenshot to save to your desktop.
By Mail:
Please send your non-returnable photo to:
Just Moved Ministry
Attn: JoAnn Smith
8010 E. Morgan Trail, Suite 7
Scottsdale, AZ 85258 USA