Testimonies for After the Boxes study

What ministry leaders are saying about Just Moved Ministry

Elizabeth Oates, Ed.D.
Minister of Discipleship: Women & Marriage
First Woodway Baptist Church, Woodway, TX

[The After the Boxes Are Unpacked study] is a vital ministry in our church and community as more people move to Waco each day. Women overall are craving community and Nancy (the leader of the study) provides a safe, welcoming place for them to connect and get acclimated to their new environment. We are so thankful for her, her commitment to this ministry, as well as her investment in the women who come through Just Moved.

Dr. Dennis Rainey
Former President, FamilyLife

Just Moved Ministry picks up where the moving van drops off. Through their After the Boxes classes, marriages are strengthened during the stress of relocation, parents are equipped to help their children cope with a move,  and women are given biblical principles and encouragement.


John Trent, Ph.D.
Author: Encouraging Words 
President of 
Susan is doing a tremendous job of helping women deal with the trauma of transition. Her material can help anyone who wants to move ahead in a healthy way after they have experienced a move or major adjustment. I highly recommend her work shops and materials.
Family Life Ministries
Little Rock, Arkansas
Your ministry has had such a huge impact here at Family Life as we use Susan’s book with every new gal who comes.

Concordia Seminary
St. Louis, MO
We continue to teach this wonderful class each fall; this was the 20th class for our Seminary women. It truly is a good way to welcome and encourage women whose husbands are coming to the Seminary.

Jessica Neill
Director of Women’s Ministry, Scottsdale Bible Church, Scottsdale, AZ
After the Boxes study is the BEST way for the women of our church to begin getting connected. This study is uniquely designed to meet a woman where she is emotionally and spiritually. It is amazing to watch women be understood and open up to share authentically how moving has impacted their lives, family, and faith. The change starts immediately and grows each week as friendships form and God reaches in to heal and encourage. Every new woman at our church is encouraged to attend the After the Boxes class and as the Minister to Women it blesses me to see their lives changed forever. The women thank us, the husbands and children thank us, and I am grateful that Susan Miller put her faith into words to make an ongoing difference for Jesus!

What study group leaders are saying:

Valerie Menzel, St Matthew Catholic Church, Charlotte, NC

I can’t express how grateful I am for this ministry and what a blessing it’s been in my life.  It fills me with joy and is one of the things I’m most proud of.  Thank you for creating such an amazing sisterhood and such a lovely way for us to serve one another.

Sandra Gilmore
Online Study Group Leader

[The After the Boxes study] creates and cements friendships for the long haul. The Lord knew years ago this pandemic would come and that online technology would have to be used. This study works just as well with this option of delivery as it does with an in-person session. (Of course, we all miss hugs and having snacks! 🙂 The study materials work seamlessly with an in-person group or with an on-line group. We are grateful for your support roles, especially your prayers. It was amazing how we touched on something that our group needed each and every week. Every time we met, we came across a particular point that was relevant and specific to these ladies. They could tell Holy Spirit was in our midst. He brought laughter and encouragement and practical information to light in each session.

Leah Miller
Cove United Methodist Church, Owens Cross Roads, AL

Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you and share with you how many lives in our little Huntsville suburb have been forever changed by your vision for this ministry. I have been leading this group for almost a decade and have had the privilege of witnessing hundreds of women find connection in their new town through the vessel of your words. We take it slow….a chapter a week and throw in field trips and brunches in between so that we meet together for a full two semesters. We go deep, we laugh, we cry…our ladies step up and support each other. It’s beautiful to watch. Leading this group ignited in me a passion and honestly, gave me a glimpse of God’s purpose for my life. So…thank you for following His lead on your life. Our little town is forever grateful!

Carolyn Chandler
Williamsburg Community Chapel in Williamsburg, VA

I’ve personally witnessed miraculous changes in hundreds of women’s lives from the love and encouragement they gained from the ministry! I know of some coming to salvation, I’ve see whole families begin close friendships with other families that have lasted over 21 years. I am so blessed to have had the privilege of serving in this ministry for over 9 years.

Julee Dilley
Rock Point Church in Queen Creek, AZ

The After The Boxes Are Unpacked study ministered to me so much! Susan hits on every emotion and truly understands how difficult the transition can be. I LOVE how she points you right back to Christ and the Word! I would cling to the verses Susan gave us.

By the time I ended the class I couldn’t wait to give the gift away by leading a class of my own in Gilbert, AZ! I wanted to help other woman who were hurting and had no friends. I am so thankful that the Lord gave me an opportunity to lead this class and love on ladies struggling just like I was. I am thankful that I got to meet Susan Miller and now call her my friend! She never stops loving on women and sharing her journey! I hope you will consider giving this great gift away and leading a study of your own!

Maureen Regele
St. Matthew Catholic Church in Charlotte, NC
I thank you so much for the inspiration and support you have shared during my years of Moving On Ministry at St. Matthew Catholic Church. We have served over 500 newbies to our church and community and the extremely positive response by facilitators, participants, church leaders and parishioners continues to overwhelm and humble me.

Debbie Knapp
Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN 
Helping lead an After the Boxes study has changed my life and deepened my trust and love for God. Your words in your book soothe and soften many hearts, Susan. Keep pressing on!

First Baptist Church in Wylie, TX

I am proud to be a part of the Just Moved Family and have participated since the beginning. I strongly feel that women have to be intentional in their relationships with other women or they simply will not happen. The ladies who are part of this group form a very special bond with one another, regardless of age or life stage, it seems. They have a common thread – moving – and work through some very deep and personal feelings alongside the other women in the group, so I think that helps them connect quickly. Each time we go through the study I learn something new about God and his desire for my life. It has been such a joy to be on the leadership team and I look forward to each new session and the relationships that I develop.

Austin Ridge Bible Church, Austin, TX
I am just amazed at how moving and feeling isolated can bond a group of women, who are in completely different life stages, live in different parts of town, go to different churches, and may or may not believe in God! It blows my mind how well they receive one another, and how openly they will consider the claims of Christ! Now that our class has officially ended, they are emailing one another and planning get-togethers, because they truly have developed a bond. I don’t think I really believed I would see the good God would do as a result of my very unwanted move. I thought maybe in heaven He would tell me. But, I got to see it firsthand through this ministry! Thank you for all you all have done in developing this ministry – we have been truly blessed by it!

West Edmonton Christian Assembly, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
This class is such a blessing to our entire church. Almost daily I am approached by people at WECA who are so excited about this new ministry. The comments are, “This is something we have always needed”, “What and excellent idea”, “We are thrilled to see this ministry here”, “I have always felt this was missing but didn’t know what the answer was,” and sadly so many, “You have no idea how I wish this was around when I first moved here.”

The Pastors are happy, the staff is happy, the congregation is excited, and MOST importantly our class is starting to laugh and smile again. Some of the women had “Just moved” to Edmonton, others have been here for a few years and just haven’t settled yet. Or “Let Go”, in Just Moved language. It amazes me how completely different each person in the class is and how diverse our journeys are. Yet we are already such a tight group who care and love one another so deeply.

We are especially pleased with and thankful for the Video Series. They are a huge, HUGE blessing. Sandy and I are not teachers by any stretch of the imagination, but with the videos, we do alright facilitating, crying, laughing and praying.

Franklin Christian Church in Franklin, TN
This past Tuesday night, we had our “graduation” night for our class. As each woman came up to get her diploma, she could say something if she wanted to. One woman said this class saved her life. She said when she got my email about Moving On, she wasn’t even sure she believed in God anymore, and was angry about her mother’s death. She said she didn’t really have a good excuse not to take the class and was too embarrassed to tell me the truth, so she decided to participate. She said she now believes in God again, and realizes this is what her mom would want. She said she has made some wonderful friends and has hope and faith again. She said, for her, Moving On was about SO much more than just getting past her move. Susan….she has been attending our church with her family as well! I just get tears of pure joy in my eyes thinking about it. I had no idea about any of that during the class, because she was not in my small group. WOW!  Our God is so amazing. He is using your material in so many ways and in so many lives.

Community Chapel, Hudson, OH

Oh, how I love this ministry! Been blessed to be a leader for 5 years now! Find an [After the Boxes] group and you’ll find some much-needed love. There is just something special that happens when you get a group of women together. Nobody understands the caring soul of a woman better than another woman.

Community Chapel, Hudson, OH

Oh, how I love this ministry! Been blessed to be a leader for 5 years now! Find an [After the Boxes] group and you’ll find some much-needed love. There is just something special that happens when you get a group of women together. Nobody understands the caring soul of a woman better than another woman.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Thank you for your continued dedication to this ministry! Lives are touched and hearts are changed!
I have found that the After the Boxes class deals with a lot of issues apart from moving. The trauma of moving often brings “buried” hurts to the surface which have to be dealt with before one can even start with the moving issues, and that might be just God’s plan for many people. Every lesson is still a surprise to me, because no matter how meticulously (to the minute!!) we plan, God more often than not changes our “well-laid plans”, and we are humbled to be a part of it all.

Greensboro, NC
(Carol led a study in her home.)
The women I was meeting in our new neighborhood were not about to darken the door of any church because of their hurts from moving and just needed to fellowship in a more intimate environment. After all these years, my participants still talk about the conference call that we had with Susan [Miller] on the last day of our study. I have since given the book to many and have encouraged lots who are going through “the move.” So, many thanks. Love your ministry. God bless your efforts!

Mountainside United Methodist Church
Hot Springs Village, AR

Greetings from the “Sticks of Arkansas”! I am your newest friend on Facebook. We are starting our 10th Just Moved class, facilitated by our sweetheart Artie Schmelz. We hold a Spring class and a Fall one and have had over 160 women attend so far! WOW. My Just Moved class sessions and classmates saved my soul in the Spring of 2005.

Cedar Springs Presbyterian
Knoxville, Tennessee
What could be more fun and more rewarding than working with Just Moved? I love it and thank the Lord for this blessing of helping. I really get to see some hearts become knitted together. I so appreciate all you do for us, and look forward to new experiences and new ways for the Lord to use us all. This is one of the highest privileges in life, to be a part of this ministry. I just love it.

Church at Charlotte
Charlotte, N. Carolina
I truly believe this class helps women find a “softer landing.” It is a “safe place” where people understand the combination of joy and frustration with a move. The class gives them hope and the reminder that they will have friends again. Yeah God for using Susan , and all of you who help her to bless women (and of course their families) all across the world! Our church has been blessed by these women who find their feet a lot faster because they don’t feel alone in their move, but may be a little more aware of how God is at work in their lives even when it isn’t necessarily comfortable.

Anne-MiAbu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Thank you for your continued dedication to this ministry! Lives are touched and hearts are changed!

I have found that the After the Boxes class deals with a lot of issues apart from moving.  The trauma of moving often brings “buried” hurts to the surface which have to be dealt with before one can even start with the moving issues, and that might be just God’s plan for many people.  Every lesson is still a surprise to me, because no matter how meticulously (to the minute!!) we plan, God more often than not changes our “well-laid plans”, and we are humbled to be a part of it all.

Greensboro, NC
(Carol led a study in her home.)
The women I was meeting in our new neighborhood were not about to darken the door of any church because of their hurts from moving and just needed to fellowship in a more intimate environment.  After all these years, my participants still talk about the conference call that we had with Susan [Miller] on the last day of our study.  I have since given the book to many and have encouraged lots who are going through “the move.”  So, many thanks.  Love your ministry.  God bless your efforts!

Mountainside United Methodist Church
Hot Springs Village, AR

Greetings from the “Sticks of Arkansas”! I am your newest friend on Facebook. We are starting our 10th Just Moved class, facilitated by our sweetheart Artie Schmelz. We hold a Spring class and a Fall one and have had over 160 women attend so far! WOW. My Just Moved class sessions and classmates saved my soul in the Spring of 2005.
Cedar Springs Presbyterian
Knoxville, Tennessee
What could be more fun and more rewarding than working with Just Moved? I love it and thank the Lord for this blessing of helping. I really get to see some hearts become knitted together. I so appreciate all you do for us, and look forward to new experiences and new ways for the Lord to use us all. This is one of the highest privileges in life, to be a part of this ministry. I just love it.
Church at Charlotte
Charlotte, N. Carolina
I truly believe this class helps women find a “softer landing.” It is a “safe place” where people understand the combination of joy and frustration with a move. The class gives them hope and the reminder that they will have friends again. Yeah God for using Susan , and all of you who help her to bless women (and of course their families) all across the world! Our church has been blessed by these women who find their feet a lot faster because they don’t feel alone in their move, but may be a little more aware of how God is at work in their lives even when it isn’t necessarily comfortable.

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