Be your authentic self
Three steps forward with your life

If at first you don’t succeed, you’ll probably have more friends. ―Unknown
Let go:
Are you putting energy into looking like you’ve got it all together?
Start over:
Making mistakes or admitting that you don’t understand when everyone else seems to “get it” can feel humiliating. You want to find the nearest rock and crawl under it. When you can laugh about your mistakes or have the courage to ask clarifying questions, more than likely, you’ll put others at ease. Laughter serves to connect you to others and to lighten the mood. Asking clarifying questions can bring a sense of relief to those who had the same questions, but didn’t have the courage to ask them!
Move forward:
You are a beautiful creation of God. Bring your authentic self wherever you go and, with the love of Christ, accept others as they are.
Three steps to move forward with your life is based on encouragement from Susan Miller’s bestselling book, After the Boxes Are Unpacked. The book guides uprooted women through the process of letting go of the past, starting over with trust, and moving forward in faith.