Lost and Found: Friendships on the Move

Two women sharing coffee at a table.

We are living in a culture where people are yearning for connection and community. “For Sale” and “Sold” signs are like confetti that sprinkle our neighborhoods. Moving vans and moving boxes have become all too familiar on the street where we live. Although moving can be for all the right reasons, our mobile society has…

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Preparing Your Heart for a Move

Here's an alt tag for the image: Three doors, love choice, heart background.

Where Do You Begin? A friend asked if she could meet with me for coffee last week. There was a sense of urgency in her voice and her eyes were brimming with tears. Her news was all too familiar. “We are moving,” she said. “With the pandemic layoffs here, my husband has been looking for…

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A man’s perspective: moving and its impact on a marriage

Smiling couple at a holiday dinner.

As some of you may know, I was married for 45 years before Bill’s death. We weathered 14 moves, along with major life transitions, and huge personal changes that come with uprooting and relocating a marriage, children, home, lifestyle, and relationships. In 2008, I asked Bill to share a man’s perspective of moving for a…

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