Seasons of Change

Vibrant red and burgundy autumn leaves.

The recess bell of summer has rung! School is in session once again. Whether you are a mom with children back in school, teens starting high school, college students settling in on campus, or even if you are taking some classes on your own—it’s back to schedules, back to routine, and back to homework. No…

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2020: A Year of Intermission

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Revealing 2021: New year's arrival`

2021: The Curtain Rises on the Rest of the Story In the classic epic drama of the movie, Gone with the Wind, the plot thickens as the Civil War brings destruction to Atlanta and wreaks havoc in the life of Scarlett O’Hara. (I saw the movie in the historic Fox Theatre, a landmark in downtown…

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What does it take to finish well?

Here's an alt tag for the image: Grasses growing in gravel.

With the end of 2020 coming soon, I’ve often said to myself, “Finish well, Susan, finish well…”, but I have to admit there are many times I haven’t even finished a day well, much less the whole year. I’ve struggled like you probably have. Let’s be honest, COVID has certainly left it’s impact on how…

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