Don’t forget to unpack your emotions when you move

more encouragement

Every month we bring you the personal and encouraging story of someone who has been uprooted by a move or other life change.

by Jackie

I have come to appreciate the fact that moving is not just about location, but also a state of mind.

Although I have been in Arizona for over two years, I had never processed the move: why I moved, how I felt about my present situation, and how it all affected the way I responded to others.

Until I took the [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] study, I had been living on auto-pilot.

I felt stuck and lost for so long and tried to find the reason behind my anger over the move and why I was looking for someone to blame.

It was my choice to move, but the move resulted in loneliness, disconnection, and a sense of being lost. I always seem to come back to being lost, then I remember what Susan Miller said: “Cherish the past, but don’t cling to it. Cling to God and His word.”

The study helped me to stop focusing on what I left behind and to trust God with my life today and into the future. I came to understand that for me to make new friends, I needed to stop being passive – which has always been my problem – and reach out to others.

I’ll always be thankful for Susan Miller and for the After the Boxes Are Unpacked study for helping the “misplaced” continue seeking and finding their purpose as designed by God in every phase in life.