Free study for your military chapel

A woman sitting in front of a wall with many books.

If you or someone at your installation is willing to facilitate the group, Just Moved Ministry will donate the materials you need to offer an After the Boxes Are Unpacked study at your military installation. 

Women at your military installation will gather to watch Just Moved Ministry founder, Susan Miller, and her video classroom as she guides women through the process of letting go, starting over, and moving forward with their lives after a PCS.

This free bundle of 12 video sessions includes:

  • Your choice of videos on DVD OR streaming
  • Facilitator Guide
  • 7 copies of Susan Miller’s book, After the Boxes are Unpacked
  • 6 copies of the Newcomer Study Guide
  • Teaching Resources: templates for handouts suggested for each session, teaching and publicity ideas, and publicity materials to get the word out about your study, including a reproducible poster, brochure, and half-page flyer.
  • Free shipping for the bundle!

In an effort to strengthen the military family, Just Moved Ministry is offering Operation Hope for the uprooted military family - a program that will donate to your military installation the materials needed to offer the After the Boxes Are Unpacked study. This unique study encourages spiritual growth, emotional well-being, lasting friendships, community connection, and hope for a fulfilling future to every woman uprooted by a move.

The Operation Hope Bundle will be provided free of charge to your military installation through generous donors partnering with Just Moved.

We only ask that…

  • you support Just Moved Ministry by ordering any additional books and materials at a military discount through Just Moved Ministry. To receive the military discount, please call (480) 991-5268, M-Th, 9 am - 4 pm MST.
  • you notify Just Moved Ministry when your After the Boxes Are Unpacked study facilitator has changed or moved.  Please email the name and contact information for their replacement to [email protected].
  • if using the DVDs, that they and the Facilitator Guide remain with your Chapel or PWOC for the next facilitator to use.

More books and Newcomer Study Guides can be purchased at a discount, plus shipping & handling. Email JoAnn at [email protected] or call (480) 991-5268 to learn more.

The leader or leadership team of the study will have access to one-on-one guidance from Just Moved, teaching tools and ideas, a monthly newsletter, and promotion of her study group on the Just Moved Ministry website and Facebook page.

Click here to complete an application today!

“I had just told my husband that I was leaving him and moving back home—it was just too hard. The next morning I heard about your [study]. I decided to check it out. Thanks to this [study], both my marriage and I will survive this move.”
military newcomer to WA 

[After the Boxes are Unpacked] was my first PWOC Bible study while stationed at West Point, NY. Great study that prepared me for 12 moves!
Posted by Angela

Susan Miller is used by God to minister and encourage us all during our times of dark desolation and moments of despair, that God is there and He will never let you go. The steps in this ministry will spiritually and emotionally ground you. You are not alone.
Annette, Air Force wife, Springfield, VA

A group of women in pink shirts and hats.

Get After the Boxes study materials donated to your military installation

Click to complete the brief online application