Write to us! Email [email protected] OR Just Moved Ministry, 8010 E Morgan Trl #7, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Elizabeth Oates, Ed.D.
Minister of Discipleship: Women & Marriage
First Woodway Baptist Church, Woodway, TX
[The After the Boxes Are Unpacked study] is a vital ministry in our church and community as more people move to Waco each day. Women overall are craving community and Nancy (the leader of the study) provides a safe, welcoming place for them to connect and get acclimated to their new environment. We are so thankful for her, her commitment to this ministry, as well as her investment in the women who come through Just Moved.
From an online study group leader
The After the Boxes Are Unpacked study creates and cements friendships for the long haul. The Lord knew years ago this pandemic would come and that online technology would have to be used. This study works just as well with this option of delivery as it does with an in-person session. (Of course, we all miss hugs and having snacks! The study materials work seamlessly with an in-person group or with an on-line group.
We’re grateful for Susan’s surrender to the Lord to write, to publish, and to produce this study so many years ago. And, we are grateful for your support roles, especially your prayers. It was amazing how we touched on something that our group needed each and every week. Every time we met, we came across a particular point that was relevant and specific to these ladies. They could tell Holy Spirit was in our midst. He brought laughter and encouragement and practical information to light in each session. As their leader, I could tell you were truly partnering with me in prayer. Your support with the whole process as well as prayer support made such a valuable difference!
Thank you for all you do — it’s important and vital and fun! In a time when people need people, the Just Moved Ministry is facilitating connections and launching lasting friendships. This ministry has been significant for 25+ years and especially for such a time as this! – Sandra, online study group leader
Gratitude for Weekly Words of Encouragement
You will never know how much the [weekly messages] from Just Moved speak to me. It has been 3 years since my last move but it has taken a toll and you are helping me walk through a really tough time. ― Jane in FL
Gratitude for online articles for the uprooted woman
Thank you so much for thinking of me..it is a very lonely time and I am thankful for your articles of Faith and Encouragement. – Kay in TX
Gratitude for After the Boxes Are Unpacked
The After The Boxes Are Unpacked study ministered to me so much! By the time I ended the class I couldn’t wait to give the gift away by leading a class of my own in Gilbert, AZ! I wanted to help other woman who were hurting and had no friends. I am so thankful that the Lord gave me an opportunity to lead this class and love on ladies struggling just like I was. I am thankful that I got to meet Susan Miller and now call her my friend! She never stops loving on women and sharing her journey! I hope you will consider giving this great gift away and leading a study of your own! – Julee in AZ
Our move was a “wanted” move and I was excited in many ways. When reality hit after the move, I was surprised at how I felt. I felt such a great loss of identity and purpose. Thank you for this encouraging study. It helps to know there are others with similar circumstances and feelings. ― Deb in KS
I’ve been reading But Mom, I Don’t Want to Move! and it has given me really great ideas. I’m going to get After the Boxes Are Unpacked after we move for more good ideas. ―Emily in KS
I read the book, After the Boxes Are Unpacked, about 14 years ago when we moved away from family and friends, not knowing anyone and finding myself surviving two back to back hurricanes! I remember how much the information from the organization and the book was such a comfort to me and helped me change my mindset!!! I would recommend this organization and the books and resources to any newly moved family, even if it’s only across town, you may be in the place to help someone else that needs uplifting encouragement! ―posted by Monica
Having moved already and lived in two different continents in last 5 years, I thought I’d mastered this and got it all under control, but once the school was found [for my daughter] and my husband began his seminary classes, I found myself “alone.” Once I began reading [After the Boxes Are Unpacked], I found my story in there. I was amazed how someone could write the exact words I used, the exact emotions I was going through. The book has given me so much meaning and purpose. My walk with the Lord has been intimate once again in a whole new way. Finding my “roots” here with a new perspective! ―Janice
Uprooted by a move? Encouragement at your fingertips
Since I found [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] (read myself and given copies away!) 11 years ago, I have moved two more times. And your encouraging messages still hit the bulls eye! I want to start an [After the Boxes study] in my area! Thank you for all you do!
Donna in IN
Saying goodbye to Indiana was hard, and it still is, but I have embarked on a new journey and part of that journey is taking Susan Miller’s class and oh my! What a life changing experience after ONE class! I cried for the first time since the move in front of 20 strangers I just met. For the first time I felt my feelings were understood. From the new landscape, roads, stores, to the overwhelming heat, my feelings were validated. As I continue on this journey, I want all to know I am okay! I do love Arizona, it just takes time and, through God, I know it will be okay. I recommend Susan’s blog and book to anyone! This class already means so much to me and it has only just begun.
Posted by Kylee in AZ
I just finished rereading the chapter Cherish or Cling? in your book, After the Boxes Are Unpacked. ” The more intimate I was with God, the more time I spent with Him, the more I grew. I began to put my expectations not in a place, but in a Person. My heart must be stabilized in God who is unchanging.” Such wonderfully helpful words! Thank you, Susan for all you do for us!
Posted by Cheri
Resources for the uprooted
The resources offered were a MUST-have for me (and for help w parenting my kids) multiple times within the past 10 years. The biblically-grounded perspective offered in both the books and newsletters helped me not feel so alone in a new community. I could brag on this organization and how it’s helped me. I have bought the flip calendar (must have) and the book(s) (bigger must have) for myself and others that have moved away. Thank you Just Moved team for your encouragement and perspective over these past moves of mine.
Posted by Vicki
Gratitude for Weekly Words of Encouragement (subscribe)
I think those words about roots being “too new or too shallow” are profound. The whole world is living with the feeling that they are being tossed around and can’t get a strong foothold on their life. Just wanted you to know that they are perfectly descriptive of the unrest and instability I am certainly feeling and find all around me.
Nancy in AZ
You have no idea how much I appreciated your weekly words.
Carol in AZ
Connection and hope through the After the Boxes Are Unpacked study
A year after moving I was still depressed and having a really hard coming out of my funk. Even though our move was our choice and we were now living where our kids are, I could not get passed the grief of what I gave up to move here. After the Boxes gave me a place I could verbalize how I felt and get true compassion back. My first real new friends are from this group! I could not be more thankful.
Posted by Theresa
“Just Moved” provided an introduction to: new friends; community activities; places to explore and a new understanding of God’s presence in our lives to assist us in adjusting to His plan for us.
Becky in VA
Subscribe to Susan Miller’s podcast
I listened to [Susan Miller’s podcast] on my walk today but I think later I will need to sit with my bible and journal and sit and be still to fully receive the message. Trust… it sounds like such a common word or overused word, but you shared scripture and described it in a new way!! I will stand on Gods words and promise to trust in him!! Picture me on my walk both hands up high, waving them and me saying I Trust in You Lord!! Your podcasts speak to my heart. Often times I listen to a podcast and I usually right away think of someone who I need to share that particular message with. Well, your podcast always are for me!! You are speaking and praying over me!! The Lord is so near to you when you share your heart one on one with us! Thank you so much!
Sherry, Army wife
A timely message in the Weekly Words of Encouragement (subscribe)
Oh yes, I needed this message!!! Thanks.
Carol in AZ
New podcast! Listen and subscribe
I love the podcast so much! Thanks for sharing!
posted by Dianna
After the Boxes Are Unpacked study available as video download
Susan Miller was speaking right to me in her [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] video. She talked about whether we are clinging to the things/people we left behind or if we are cherishing them. We are to cherish those people/places/things but cling to Jesus. Anyone who has or is moving soon, this is a good book and there’s a study to go with it.
Posted by Ashley
Thanks for Weekly Words of Encouragement (sign up)
Wow! These are beautiful words of encouragement! I’m learning that so many people are lonely even if they haven’t just moved and it’s because they disconnect from friends and family because they are stuffing their painful feeling instead of confronting them. It impacts their relationships and their health. God’s been teaching me about how important community is and how we need to let ourselves be known and comforted by others. These words you’ve shared are spot on! I will be sharing them with others.
Gay in GA
Whether moving or facing any other challenge this message is awesome!
Carol in AZ
I just finished reading your Bloom about multitasking. I loved it and will reread it. I feel this was one of your special issues to read and reread.
Dottie in AZ
Another excellent issue. Technology and being present. Required reading for my 18 year old grandson.
Will in IN
Ministry to the uprooted in Texas
Loving on our newcomer’s deep in the heart of Texas. Lots of people moving to Texas and even more now had to move and rebuild because of the hurricane. Thanks for your support and prayers for the newly moved in Texas.
Jesse in TX
I took the [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] class 2 years ago in Scottsdale Arizona. Susan Miller is an amazing, loving lady. I enjoyed every time I went. My family and I have moved once again to Fort Worth, TX. I got the book out and reread it all over again. It definitely helps.
Alisa in TX
Passing on encouragement
I am very thankful that I had the wonderful opportunity of being in your [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] class when my family and I still lived in Scottsdale. The friendships and lessons in your class I hold dear, remembering those words of encouragement and, best of all, the book, After the Boxes Are Unpacked.
Just this week a friend here has to pack up and move in a few months. Her whole family (husband and 4 kids) will be uprooted after living here for 4 years. Her husband is being transferred again.. Immediately I thought of my only copy of your book (After the Boxes Are Unpacked). When I mentioned the book to her, her face lit up like someone had already thought about her during this stressful time. She is excited and thankful!
Ruth in the Philippines
A timely message in Weekly Words of Encouragement (subscribe)
Thanks Just Moved Ministry! I needed that today!
Robyn in AZ
Online encouragement
I always look forward to the weekly encouragement in my emails! My husband and I are very thankful that we found this ministry!
Heather in TX
Thank you so much for the devotional “Life on Pause”. It is exactly where I have been for the last several months. It is incredibly hard to be in this place. Thank you for understanding!
Sophie in MI
(Did you miss this devotional? Email us at [email protected] or call (480) 991-5268 to get this devotional emailed to you.)
Church leaders grateful for a ministry to newcomers
I thank you so much for the inspiration and support you have shared during my years of Moving On Ministry at St. Matthew Catholic Church. We have served over 500 newbies to our church and community and the extremely positive response by facilitators, participants, church leaders and parishioners continues to overwhelm and humble me.
Maureen Regele, After the Boxes Are Unpacked Group Leader at St. Matthew Catholic Church in Charlotte, NC
After the Boxes study is the BEST way for the women of our church to begin getting connected. This study is uniquely designed to meet a woman where she is emotionally and spiritually. It is amazing to watch women be understood and open up to share authentically how moving has impacted their lives, family, and faith. The change starts immediately and grows each week as friendships form and God reaches in to heal and encourage. Every new woman at our church is encouraged to attend the After the Boxes class and as the Minister to Women it blesses me to see their lives changed forever. The women thank us, the husbands and children thank us, and I am grateful that Susan Miller put her faith into words to make an ongoing difference for Jesus!
Jessica Neill, Director of Women’s Ministry, Scottsdale Bible Church, Scottsdale, AZ
Weekly encouragement in your email inbox
I appreciate the distinction between clinging and cherishing. It is so helpful!
Sophie in MI
(Sophie is referring to chapter 3 in After the Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller.)
This message is perfect for today! I spent time this morning studying Philippians 3 in preparation to give a bible study/retreat time with pastors’ wives in CO in two weeks. I’ll think of your words of encouragement as I try to encourage them in the Lord with His Word.
Renee Gibbs, After the Boxes Are Unpacked group leader in St. Louis, MO
I just love these words of encouragement !! Thank you.
Erin in AZ
You have a wonderful ministry. I moved to the city 3 years ago after 40 years on a farm. I have adjusted so well and your ministry helped me IMMENSELY. I recommend you to everyone who is moving and having a hard time. Lord bless you.
Connie in IA
After the Boxes Are Unpacked group leader
I am ever grateful for you and the impact you have made in my life as well as the lives of the women in this area. Your book [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] is such a gift and I thank you for sharing your heart and moving experiences with us…always pointing to Jesus!
Jennifer, an After the Boxes Are Unpacked group leader in Chapel Hill, NC
Gratitude for February 2017 article, Moving Is Stressful…Especially As You Get Older
I just wanted to tell you that this article was wonderful! As a person who is going through this very act and has been going through this for a bit, it is right on!
Trina in AZ
Gratitude for Weekly Words of Encouragement (Start getting these emails.)
This is truly amazing! Thank you so much! I appreciate the distinction between clinging and cherishing. It is so helpful!
Sophie in MI
Reviews of After the Boxes Are Unpacked
Susan Miller speaks with wisdom and experience, gently offering correction and pointing the reader towards the Lord. She doesn’t minimize the pain of leaving home and being transplanted, especially if it is the third, fourth or tenth time. In a time with much moving, this resource is truly a gem. I haven’t found much on transition or moving, and the simple truths Susan offers felt like a salve. She encourages the reader practically and spiritually, offering Scripture for any emotion during the transition and tips for how to proactively work towards a new beginning.
Reviewer for Christian Book Distributors
My wife finished this book in three days, and she does not like to read a lot. My wife is a military child, who had several moves in the first 15 years of her life, then married an aspiring minister, who traversed the US with her to another state, two weeks after our wedding. In her words, this book summed up and healed 48 years of moving in one book. She shed many tears through reading it. She heartily recommends it and said she felt like the author was talking to her personally, face to face and was identifying with all of the feelings that she has experienced over the years. If you need someone who understands what it’s like to move, especially a lot of moves, then this is a good choice for you.
Michael, Amazon reviewer
The recent Bloom. View starting over as STARTING ANEW and full of possibilities. Check it out
This subject is so timely, I am misty-eyed now and can’t finish reading this till I get home from work. I have some more uprooting to do…waiting for God’s timing and perfect plan! Thank you!
Priscilla in TX
Weekly Words emails striking a cord! Sign up for these emails.
I will start my gratitude journal today and let you know how it is going in a few weeks or more. God bless you and all those you work with.
An email from Polly
WOW …this one hit the nail on the head! I admit that I had “expectations” that weren’t necessarily unrealistic, but were nonetheless there. I have been crying out to God the past couple months about how discouraged & disappointed I’ve been (EXACT WORDS) since moving back. Thanks for sharing these weekly encouragements!
Deb in AL
The impact of the After the Boxes study
[Just Moved] Opened the door to me finally dealing with the over 50 moves I have made so far in my life. Introduced me to some amazing ladies who are becoming fast friends and reminded me that Jesus Christ always has my back.
Posted by Pauline
I absolutely recommend this class to anyone who is new to the area. I know through divine intervention God placed me here exactly where I needed. God blessed me with new friends and sisters in Christ through this class. These are people that we will be friends with for life. I LOVE JUST MOVED! Thank you!!
Posted by Sophal
God is so good in supplying us with a Bible Study that had a ministry and a team praying for us! It’s humbling and exciting! We are praying for you, too!
Posted by Sarah, After the Boxes study Leader in Riga, Latvia
Hope for the uprooted
In the After the Boxes group we share the deep loneliness, sadness and fear a move can engender. It has been my delight to get to know some fascinating women with amazing stories. This study has definitely opened my life. God looks after us, even when we think we “know” it all.
Pauline in AZ
Thanks for having this wonderful ministry that helped me find my way back to the focus of knowing I have a future with God. Love what this ministry does to help the uprooted woman!
Anne in AZ
Your organization is such a blessing to so many. And since many – – like me – – read the Facebook page and website, please know that there are many you are reaching that you might not hear from. Your ministry is a source of blessing and encouragement so please keep the information and articles and testimonies coming!
Sandra in TN
Saved my life!! Thought I was losing my mind when I moved….now I realized I was normal when it came to moving!! THANKFUL!!!!!
Posted by Sherry
Thanks be to God for your ministry. I hope it continues for decades.
Carol in MN
Thank you for all you do for us.
Sue in TX
Thanks for the encouragement you all are to women around the world. Your servant hearts shine brightly.
Bev in AZ
I have been sooo blessed by this ministry.
Michelle in NC
I have been crying out to God the past couple months about how discouraged & disappointed I’ve been since moving back [home]. I expected that it would just be “different”. So I’ve been crying out to God & asking what it is He’s trying to teach me in all of this. Still waiting on that answer, but if He can be patient with me, then I can be patient with Him!
Thanks for sharing these weekly encouragements!
Deb in AL
(JM – Deb is referring to our Weekly Words of Encouragement emails. Sign up!)
After the Boxes study – encouraging newcomers and leaders
I’m so blessed to have taken the [After the Boxes Video Series] class. I’m amazed by your love for Jesus in each week, Susan. You have truly been part of changing my heart to putting Jesus first. I love the way that God works to give us just what we need to sustain us. Through your ministry, God truly has taken me further than I could ever wander on my own.
Chelsey in AZ
I just finished the After the Boxes video study at Mountainside Methodist Church in Hot Springs Village, AR. It was so nice to “visit” with you every week, Susan. I feel like I know you! Even though I have moved to “paradise”, it doesn’t come without it’s challenges. I have met the most incredible women and leaders. We have laughed, cried and enjoyed the heck out of each other. It’s hard to express my gratitude for your ministry. You are awesome!
Cheyenne in AR
Helping lead an After the Boxes study has changed my life and deepened my trust and love for God. Your words in your book soothe and soften many hearts, Susan. Keep pressing on!
Debbie Knapp, Group Leader at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN
The After the Boxes study has filtered my move through the word of God.
Suzanne in AZ
Feedback for the new website
Congratulations! This new website is amazing! You’ve thought of everything! What an awesome blessing this will be to so many around the world.
Jo-Ann in AZ
Gratitude for email encouragement
I just Love hearing from you all! Your messages are just the boost I need in my day!
Lisa in AZ
Susan Miller‘s ministry to the uprooted
Susan is a woman who truly, truly cares about the military spouse! She truly connects, with you, she truly cares about you and she is a prayer warrior for you! I am honored to be able to call her one of my friends.
Posted by Andrea
I have never met Susan Miller, but I feel like she’s a close friend. Susan is the founder of Just Moved Ministry & wrote the incredible Focus on the Family book, “After the Boxes Are Unpacked.” Words cannot describe the ways in which her book has helped me as I’ve adjusted to our new life in TX. Our Just Moved Prosper group was so blessed to Skype w/Susan last spring. Her journey of faith in the midst of many, many corporate moves & her honesty w/her struggles has inspired so many. Thank you Susan for being willing to share your stories & for touching my life in such a significant way! I’m grateful to be co-leading our third group this fall & helping other ladies who in the midst of MSM (Moving Stress Meltdown).
Posted by Jenni
Susan Miller‘s ministry to the uprooted
Susan is a woman who truly, truly cares about the military spouse! She truly connects, with you, she truly cares about you and she is a prayer warrior for you! I am honored to be able to call her one of my friends.
Posted by Andrea
I have never met Susan Miller, but I feel like she’s a close friend. Susan is the founder of Just Moved Ministry & wrote the incredible Focus on the Family book, “After the Boxes Are Unpacked.” Words cannot describe the ways in which her book has helped me as I’ve adjusted to our new life in TX. Our Just Moved Prosper group was so blessed to Skype w/Susan last spring. Her journey of faith in the midst of many, many corporate moves & her honesty w/her struggles has inspired so many. Thank you Susan for being willing to share your stories & for touching my life in such a significant way! I’m grateful to be co-leading our third group this fall & helping other ladies who in the midst of MSM (Moving Stress Meltdown).
Posted by Jenni
The Life-Changing Study
I’m so thankful for these [After the Boxes Are Unpacked] groups and praying for their success! One day, I really hope to start (or help start) an After the Boxes group! My group in Richmond, VA changed my life.
Posted by Meghan
MY ROAD OF LIFE …seems to always take a detour, side road, gravel road, road full of potholes, but rarely a smooth paved road …LOL! ;-)Praising God for all roads traveled! AMEN!
Posted by Deb
After the Boxes Are Unpacked – the book, the study
Susan, your book helped me so much when I moved from Minnesota to Kentucky. Bloom where you are planted, cling vs cherish, much needed lessons. Thank you for sharing your experiences with everyone!
Posted by Kari
Just Moved Prosper was a life saver for me!!
Posted by Wendy
(Wendy has been part of the After the Boxes study in Prosper, TX, led by Jesse Prentiss.)
I love and have experienced first-hand how the Lord uses Susan Miller and her ministry. She encourages and pours into women all over the country. Check out her books – they not only speak truth and love into the experience of moving physically: They speak powerfully to any experience of major change or trauma bc most importantly, they are rooted in Scripture.
Posted by Katherine
Weekly Words of Encouragement – doing just that
Wow!! Just what I needed today as I face empty nest overseas w girls all in states. Thanks so much for passing on God’s Grace and strength during times of huge transition !!! God bless you all!!!
Pat in IA
Thank you so much for your continuing encouragement! God is truly on the move! (Isaiah 43:18-19).
Thank you so much for your encouraging words! I cannot tell you enough what your class did for me and my little family. Learning how to reach out and lean on God transformed my marriage and we are continuing to strengthen our relationship as a result. Thank YOU. You are a blessing and a true disciple of Jesus.
Elizabeth in OH
I just Love hearing from you all! Your messages are just the boost I need in my day! Thank you and God bless you!
Lisa in AZ
Hope for the uprooted
I just purchased your new book and passed it along to another moving friend, starting the inside cover with signatures and locations to see where it goes!
Posted by Carol
[JustMoved.org] so encourages you to run to Jesus’ arms! I do pray for courage, strength, perseverance And JOY for today!!
Posted by Pat
Bloom – read it, ponder, and pass it on!
[The Bloom] is so well done! I am electing to keep getting it by mail so that I have something tangible I can share with someone in need. This month I am sending it on to my own daughter who recently moved with her husband to a place far from family and friends. She is struggling with this transition and I would appreciate it if she could be added to the Bloom mailing list. I did send her a copy of [After the Boxes are Unpacked] and I can’t wait to see the new edition when it comes out!
Janelle in IL
Weekly Words of Encouragement emails are encouraging people around the world
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I really needed it today!!!
Pam at Hunter Army Airfield
PWOC Retreat Coordinator
Thank you, Just Moved Ladies, for your words of encouragement. Just what I needed to hear on this day!!!
Betsy in NC
So grateful for precious promises.
Jeanette Hawks
Speaker and author, Susan Miller, touching lives in the military
[After the Boxes are Unpacked] was my first PWOC bible study while stationed at West Point, NY. Great study that prepared me for 12 moves!
Posted by Angela
Our amazing guest speaker Susan Miller. The author of After the Boxes are Unpacked. This was one of the first Bible studies I took at Aberdeen Proving Ground PWOC. It was an honor to meet Susan.
Posted by Alvin N Syretta White with Tanya Coleman and 2 others in GA
Updated After the Boxes are Unpacked by Susan Miller
Susan, I always pull out your book when times get tough and deployment comes up.
Savannah, Army wife
Can’t wait for the new book to drop, thanks be to God for your obedience to His calling on your life and for providing 20 years of hope and encouragement for uprooted women!
posted by Amy
Your book has ministered to me numerous times over the years – when it was first published and still now after three moves. (Texas to Illinois to Tennessee). It pleases me to see all that God is doing through this ministry.
Leigh Ann in TN
A fabulously helpful book.
posted by Rosalie
I know that it helped me tremendously.
posted by Lois
I remember this when I lived in Ohio. Was a very big help to me.
posted by Ashley
Your ministry and book transformed my life here and has brought me some of the best friends of my life.
posted by Darla
God is so good! Can’t wait to see the new book to replace the one that I’ve used for 18 years!
posted by Renee
Still have my original book. Susan, you have been a blessing to our family
posted by Carole
I love you and I love your book! I love giving it away to moving friends!
posted by Patricia
I told a young lady at church this morning about your class and how much it meant to me!
posted by Rosemary
Some of my BEST friends were met in my “just moved” class.
posted by Pearce
What a blessing you, the book, & your ministry are to us all!
posted by Tish
Response to our Weekly Words of Encouragement emails
(Are you receiving Weekly Words? Sign up today!)
Thank you for these encouraging words! You don’t know how much I needed to hear them at this very moment!
Maria in AZ
What brings me joy? What a nice thought to be thinking about and it all makes sense when we are trusting God and all his love and greatness. My joy is in the Lord, Jesus Christ and knowing God is right there with me when I fall, stumble, discouraged, and losing my faith. Thanks for sharing this topic. God bless your ministry and all your encouragement to us.
Virginia in CA
Thank you so much for always being encouraging!!!!
Cristina in OH
Just read your Weekly Words of Encouragement. Wanted to let you know I was approached by one of the gals who just finished our last class. She said how they seem to always say something special for her, giving her that little incentive to continue letting go, starting over and moving ahead. They always seem to say something to me too. Sometimes something to share with the class. Thank you.
Cathy Gismondi
Leader, St. Mark Catholic Church, Huntersville, NC
Gratitude for the impact of an After the Boxes study
I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am to you and your ministry. Gina’s acclimation and subsequent happiness in our transition to AZ is attributable to Just Moved. Thanks again!
Vince in AZ (wife attended Susan Miller’s After the Boxes group)
Susan, joining your [Moving On] study this fall as one of the single best decisions I have made in my life! Thank you for helping guide me on my journey and reminding me to start each day anew with a heart filled with faith, hope and joy. You are a blessing to so many.
Michelle in AZ
Susan, thank you for being a light in this mobile world that helps us see His truth. I treasure knowing you and your ministry.
Jenna, military spouse
The impact of an After the Boxes study
On behalf of myself and so many women (& men), I am very grateful that you traded grits for guacamole those years ago. What a beautiful example of how God can use anything for good. Thank you for responding so strongly to the Holy Spirit’s calling. Your class, book, and materials have helped me (and my family) “unpack” so many aspects of our move and be intentional in establishing new roots. I’m still on my journey (aren’t we all?) but this class has helped me put things in perspective and helped me not to forget including God amidst the business of moving.
Michele in AZ
[The After the Boxes study] was truly life changing for me; I recently asked [my husband’s] forgiveness for my attitude and anger towards him. I am grateful to God that I’ve been able to forgive and move on! I truly believe that God has moved us both for a purpose, not just him — I was really struggling with that.
Beth in AZ
Now I have to start over again in Michigan. But, I am more confident than I have ever been. I don’t know how can I express my feelings for your thoughtfulness.
Eunjoo from South Korea attended a Moving On study in Kansas. Now she’s moving to Michigan!
Just Moved is grateful for the continued response to our Weekly Words of Encouragement! Sign up!
Many thanks for your words of encouragement.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I feel like God really does know me after receiving this email. Wow!
Jessica in CA
Thank you! Just what I needed to hear!(Of course!)
Terry in AZ
I receive the emails regularly from Just Moved and I appreciate them so much. Thank you for your prayer you sent recently. It is worded very similarly to what I have prayed since I moved. Some days are harder than others. I know the Just Moved emails have been so helpful. Thank you for your emails and for praying.
Priscilla in TX
Your ministry is just great…THANK YOU!
Connie in IA
Gratitude for the After the Boxes study
I simply wanted to express … how much I’ve enjoyed this wonderful class. Moving to a new state and leaving family and friends can be such a shock. This class came at a perfect time for me. I give God all the glory for what He’s done to make this transition go smoothly. Zonya and Susan (group leaders), you are an amazing team of leaders and I want to THANK YOU both for the time you put into this.
Kristy in CO
(JM – Kristy is part of the Moving On group at The Rock Church in Castle Rock, CO. Featured in our November 2015 spotlight!)
I am proud to be a part of the Just Moved Family and have participated since the beginning. I strongly feel that women have to be intentional in their relationships with other women or they simply will not happen. The ladies who are part of this group form a very special bond with one another, regardless of age or life stage, it seems. They have a common thread – moving – and work through some very deep and personal feelings alongside the other women in the group, so I think that helps them connect quickly. Each time we go through the study I learn something new about God and his desire for my life. It has been such a joy to be on the leadership team and I look forward to each new session and the relationships that I develop.
Posted by Kathleen, group leader at First Baptist Church in Wylie, TX
I moved to Wylie just about 3 years ago. I was brokenhearted, depressed and lonely. I struggled every day just to get out of bed. Then I came across the [Moving On] study. I went to the first meeting and swore I would not go back, but something made me return. I am so glad I did. During the study I learned what I was feeling was normal. After many tears and repeating the class a few times, I have finally adjusted to the move that I thought destroyed my life. I could not have done this without the support and encouragement I received from the ladies and the study.
Posted by Kelly, Moving On member at First Baptist Church
When my husband and I first moved here I felt trapped. I was still new to married life, very new to motherhood, and very alone. I rarely left the house and had nobody I could really call friend. When we heard about this group my husband practically kicked me out the door to attend and I’m so glad he did. It was a turning point in my life. I made friends that I am still close to today, was introduced to our amazing babysitter, got recommendations for doctors, A/C people, and any other service you can imagine. It wasn’t just reading a book together. It was a team of women, each in different walks of life, finding ways to help each other ease the difficulties of transition. I will forever be grateful for the time these ladies invested in helping me turn this town into a place I love and call home.
Posted by Amy, Moving On member at First Baptist in Wylie, TX
Gratitude for Just Moved Ministry
It’s hard to believe only moving ten miles up the road has such an impact!
Posted by Debbie
You have impacted MANY women through the years and continue to point them to Jesus! You truly reflect HIS loving kindness!
Posted by Faith
Equipped to make a smoother move…
For anyone who has been through a move, this ministry has an incredible support group to help you through each phase of this process. I can’t tell you how instrumental this group of ladies has been in my life. They helped me work through each emotion in this journey and even assured me that, when I felt completely out of control, it would be absolutely okay. I have made lifelong friends through this group and know with everything in me that this was a God thing for my life!
Paulette in IA
Just went to my first newcomers meeting here and it was exactly what I needed since the move to Alabama!
Posted by Tammy
Susan Miller has a beautiful spirit. Her ministry is such a blessing to military spouses.
Posted by Rajjae
I bought her book [After the Boxes are Unpacked] months ago as well as her book about helping your kids adjust [But Mom, I Don’t Want to Move!]. Both so encouraging!!
Posted by Anji
Just Moved…
Encouraging the military
I’m a military spouse and honestly can say Just Moved helped me get through my first season of military life and my first year of marriage. We got married, had a baby, moved to D.C and then he left for a 6 month TDY. Just Moved got me through what felt like the hardest season in my life and I was so fulfilled with wonderful ladies like Bette Flint Hamilton and Jackie Spiegal. Thank you for your help with military members and every life this ministry has touched and changed. Off to my next move in less than 20 days. Can’t wait to unpack my book and start fresh again.
Posted by Mls Garcia
Susan Miller is used by God to minister and encourage us all during our times of dark desolation and moments of despair, that God is there and He will never let you go. The steps in this ministry will spiritually and emotionally ground you. You are not alone.
Annette, Air Force wife, Springfield, VA
Fostering friendship
My years as a Moving On attendee and as a leader were really wonderful. Many, many connections were made and I still consider some of the women in my classes to be some of my best friends here. There’s something about sharing, praying, and growing together in the midst of a move that cements women together. Thank you, Just Moved Ministry, for the memories, the connections, the opportunities, the friends!
Julie in NC
Upholding the Uprooted
I had a big move. I left my home of 55 years to start over in a new place. God and I have had daily talks about this big change. It has taken two years for me to begin to heal emotionally. It is not what I would have chosen, but God has shown me that
Posted by Vicki H
…Your book, After The Boxes Are Unpacked, really helped me get through my recent move to North Carolina. Your book made me feel hopeful again. I’m still going through the stages of emotions (luggage tags) but it has brought me to my knees and helped me to rely and trust in God. Just when I felt my loneliest and was feeling overwhelmed, the Lord worked. He truly knows the deepest parts of our soul and what we need at the right time. Thank you, Susan, for your life’s work and the impact your book has made on me. I will refer to it regularly for those days when I need a lift.
Liz in NC
Upholding the Uprooted
I had a big move. I left my home of 55 years to start over in a new place. God and I have had daily talks about this big change. It has taken two years for me to begin to heal emotionally. It is not what I would have chosen, but God has shown me that
Posted by Vicki H
…Your book, After The Boxes Are Unpacked, really helped me get through my recent move to North Carolina. Your book made me feel hopeful again. I’m still going through the stages of emotions (luggage tags) but it has brought me to my knees and helped me to rely and trust in God. Just when I felt my loneliest and was feeling overwhelmed, the Lord worked. He truly knows the deepest parts of our soul and what we need at the right time. Thank you, Susan, for your life’s work and the impact your book has made on me. I will refer to it regularly for those days when I need a lift.
Liz in NC
After the Boxes are Unpacked still speaking to mover’s hearts
My quiet times have been my favorite time of day and your book has sustained me these past 10 weeks. It has helped me get in God’s Word more than ever before. Thank you for your inspiration, your leadership and compassion. I can’t wait to share this experience with others. Your book will be the gift I give to friends who are moving. It is incomparable!
Liz in NC
Your book is walking with me in this season now. It is really deep and important for women to have connection, have friends and stability. I miss working full time in my corporate job too. So I feel you understand and have set some good examples and advice to leave trust in God, who is the only constant. I can relate when you talk about the wounded travelers. The feeling of plugged in and unplugged again and the short term stability lifestyle. I hope to keep hearing encouraging words from your ministry and maybe some for those frequent travelers unable to really build deep relationship cause moving out too quick. Thanks for writing this book. Your story has given me a glimpse of what God can provide in times of moving and I stability, in times of uprooting and sowing.
Flora in Asia
Personal encouragement delivered weekly to your inbox
Thank you so much for your weekly words of encouragement. Even though we have been in this new place for over a year, we continue the settling in process. This time it seems to be taking longer than in the past!
Betsy in NC
I love this ministry! Every time I get an email from you guys, it speaks right to my heart!
Posted by Cassia S
Your April 4th email, it pointed out my ‘secret holdout’ of rebellion, to not fully join the new move. Driver’s License! Busted! How did you know? I see it now for what it was. A hidden candy bar, before a big diet…. a ‘cheat’, premeditated. Oh how you know the movers’ heart.
Posted by Brenda D
The ministry specifically caring for the uprooted
I’ve felt the need for something like this ministry many times in the past 6 months, despite the incredibly warm welcome I’ve received in my new home. There’s something very powerful, though, about hearing support in the specific vein of being uprooted! Susan, let me know if you need anyone to head up a chapter of the ministry in Central Nebraska, if you don’t already have one here. I’d love to help!
Posted by Jaime E
You’ve ministered to me in so many states and so many moves since 1999 (Dallas to Nashville), and here I am again in what should be familiar territory: move 17 – Greensboro, NC to Austin, TX. Thank you Susan Miller for all you do.
Posted by Michelle J
Thank you for continuing to encourage our military wives/gals… And pointing to the HOPE of all ages!
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Weekly Words of Encouragement…
I absolutely love the communications you all send out weekly.
Kisa in KY
You are like a fresh breeze, a well-watered spring!
Pat in VA
You speak such wisdom to so many! Thank you!
Connie in IA
Encouragement through every uprooted woman’s essential resource…
…your book, After The Boxes Are Unpacked, really helped me get through my recent move to North Carolina. I totally believe that God knew how difficult this move would be for me and prepared the way… Your book made me feel hopeful again. I’m still going through the stages of emotions (luggage tags) but it has brought me to my knees and helped me to rely and trust in God.
Liz in NC
Weekly Words of Encouragement and other encouraging emails. Are you receiving them?
Great words of encouragement this week! Although we reflect on these things so often, it is so awesome to be reminded! The world grabs us in so many spaces and when we take our focus away from Him, how easy it is to feel a tad lonely and what now??? Where am I headed? Friendships are the most difficult to accomplish as it takes time to really know someone. Being in a community for over 40 years allows you to develop roots. God is patient with me and now I must be patient in that part of my life. Thanks for all of you on your team. You have impacted my life. In God we trust.
Lynne in AZ
Just the admonition I need!! I’m not moving and not resettling, but my life has many moving parts that need to be ordered into goals and a workable plan with anticipation of an acceptable outcome that pleases the Lord.
Carol in AZ
Thank you so much for your encouragement! I would like to encourage you all as well. Sometimes your ministry to us ( movers and shakers) seems to go unappreciated…. but please know it is a tremendous blessing!!! God bless you all. We have been serving in the Philippines now for 9 mths. God has stretched me in unbelievable ways…..to the point where now… I can’t even imagine living anywhere else. That can only be God.
Pat in the Philippines
Emotional and spiritual support following a move
There is a GREAT need for private support for the months following an isolating move, until the mover’s feet are more grounded with their new environment. I honestly just don’t understand why there are not a zillion Just Moved groups all over the US…. I would LOVE to assist in any way to help such a support community be formed. I do feel strongly that every mover needs the flip calendar by their most-used sink, and have read the books at least once. I feel that moving gives Satan the opportunity to really wrestle with a mover’s head, and we need the help of others to stay grounded in scripture to keep Satan out of our heads!
Posted by Vickie