Learn more about offering the study

An After the Boxes Are Unpacked leader or facilitator who registers her group with Just Moved Ministry is offered one-on-one guidance, teaching tools and ideas, a monthly newsletter, and promotion of her class on the Just Moved Ministry website and Facebook page. Posters and brochures for you to customize and publicize your study are available as well.
The study is available in two formats
In each case it is recommended that members of a study group have their own copy of After the Boxes Are Unpacked and a Newcomer Study Guide. These essential resources will enrich the experience of each woman and help to facilitate spiritual and emotional growth. These resources can be purchased together at a discount in our Participant Bundle.
1 In-person
Streaming Video Series Leader Bundle
Join Just Moved Ministry founder, Susan Miller, and her video classroom as she guides women through the process of letting go, starting over, and moving forward with their lives after a move. Download all 12 sessions and stream each session for your After the Boxes Are Unpacked study group. A Facilitator Guide is included to help a facilitator lead the discussion following each viewing and our Teaching Resources make it easy to create inspirational handouts. Learn more
Leader Bundle – Video Series on DVD
Like the Streaming Video Series Leader Bundle, but the group will view all 12 video sessions on DVD. A Facilitator Guide and Teaching Resources are included to help a facilitator lead discussion and provide meaningful handouts to reinforce the teaching for each session. Learn more
Leader Bundle – no Video Series
This option is for the leader who chooses to teach the study without relying on the Video Series. The Bundle includes a 174-page Teacher Guide with weekly lesson plans, chapter objectives, icebreakers, ideas for getting the women to share, visual aid suggestions, scripture references, and prayers. This bundle also comes with our Teaching Resources, 7 copies of Susan Miller’s book, After the Boxes Are Unpacked, and 6 Newcomer Study Guides – everything you need to offer an After the Boxes Are Unpacked study for up to 6 people. Learn more
[The After the Boxes study] creates and cements friendships for the long haul. The study materials work seamlessly with an in-person group or with an on-line group. We are grateful for your support roles, especially your prayers. It was amazing how we touched on something that our group needed each and every week. Every time we met, we came across a particular point that was relevant and specific to these ladies. Leah, Cove United Methodist Church, Owens Cross Roads, AL
2 Virtual
Just Moved Ministry is always putting together virtual study groups (4-5 members with one facilitator) made up of women who have contacted us with a desire to participate. A study group could also be formed by a facilitator who already knows a woman or women who want to go through the virtual study with her.
Our Virtual Study Complete Facilitator Bundle provides the resources you need to facilitate a virtual After the Boxes Are Unpacked study group. The resources included in this bundle will guide you and give you confidence as you encourage and guide the women in your group.
I think what surprised me the most…was just how quickly the ladies clicked! I was concerned that it would feel sterile without much of a “human touch.” I couldn’t have been more wrong! There really weren’t any awkward pauses. Everyone was very eager to read the text and begin friendships with one another. I think the friendships were really timely in their lives and provided a lot of encouragement.” Traci, Online Facilitator
For more information, please call Just Moved Ministry at 480.991.5268, Monday – Thursday, 9am to 4pm, MST. (Summer office hours, June 1 – July 31: M-Th, 9am-3pm, MST)