Dealing with loneliness after a move

By Rebekah in CA
The transition is going exactly like so many of the testimonies I have read online. We moved from Vermont to California, with two little girls and a teenage son. I left my two best friends since 5th grade and most of my family. I am so fortunate to have a wonderful sister, however, that lives 30 minutes away!!
Of course, I am lonely.
There are two things I have underestimated in moving. One is that the feelings of loneliness are very similar to postpartum depression feelings. If you have ever suffered from that you will know it’s awful. It’s not just loneliness – it’s almost an irrational empty feeling that absolutely nothing but Jesus can fill.
The second thing that is difficult is that when you move and make such an enormous transition, it would be nice to have someone to share all of that with, to share what you miss, etc. But because you moved, you don’t know anyone and so you can’t share.
I have to keep so much bottled up inside.
No one cares that Vermont has better this or better that. No one really understands. I see now how I missed some opportunities in Vermont to minister to new people. I just had no idea! So that has been a real challenge for me. Again, the answer is Jesus. He will listen to me, and He will even groan and cry for me and with me.
I’m so glad I found Just Moved. I really want to start a group here but I feel quite unqualified. I figure I need to read After the Boxes Are Unpacked first at least! But I really want to. Thanks so much for your service. This organization is truly a blessing.
Editor: If you have the desire to start an After the Boxes Are Unpacked study group, Just Moved Ministry will provide the guidance you need and be available to answer your questions! An After the Boxes Are Unpacked group can be the best way for you to find friends and grow in your faith while offering the life line that another new mover needs! Call (480.991.5268; M-Th, 9am-4pm, MST) or email us at [email protected] to find out more. Check out our online library! You’ll find relevant articles about making new friends and more!
Thank you for expressing my exact feelings so incredibly well! The loneliness is almost unbearable at times, but I am praying I will make at least one connection in my new place.
Thank you for sharing this. This is exactly how I feel after moving. It is so hard to leave everything behind and start over.