Mission Statement
Just Moved Ministry is dedicated to the emotional well-being and spiritual growth of women who are uprooted by a move.
Through Biblical teaching and one-on-one encouragement, we prepare, inspire, and equip a woman to trust God with her future, put down new roots, and embrace life in a new community.
Just Moved Ministry is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization.
What does that look like?
Uprooted women everywhere contact Just Moved Ministry for personal encouragement and turn to JustMoved.org for helpful resources, inspiration, prayer support, and a virtual community.
Our resources for the uprooted:
- Referral to an After the Boxes Are Unpacked study group—virtual or in-person.
- Books and DVDs by Susan Miller for the unique needs of the uprooted family.
- JustMoved.org—a vast resource of practical help and spiritual renewal. Get started
- Weekly Words of Encouragement emails.
- Free subscription to Bloom
- Prayer support and one-on-one reassurance via phone (480-991-5268) or email ([email protected]).
Churches, seminaries, and corporations in the U.S. and military installations around the world offer the After the Boxes Are Unpacked study based on Susan Miller's bestseller, After the Boxes are Unpacked in an effort to encourage and enfold newcomers. The study expands on the biblical principles and first-hand experience presented in Susan Miller’s book. It guides women through the emotional stages of a move, helps them become aware of opportunities for spiritual growth, and provides a rewarding way for them to connect in their new community.
Our resources for churches, military and other organizations seeking to reach the uprooted:
- After the Boxes Are Unpacked - a proven and effective program to reach out to newcomers and point them to Christ.
- Operation Hope—donating Just Moved materials to military chapels.
- Helpful resources to ease the stress of transfer or relocation of military, corporate, and missionary personnel and families.
- After the Boxes Are Unpacked study materials and leader support. Two formats: teacher-led or Video Series with facilitator.
- Publicity for your After the Boxes Are Unpacked study through our website and social media.
- Support for church leaders in their desire to reach the newcomer.

For those who choose to start an After the Boxes Are Unpacked study, Just Moved Ministry provides all of the necessary materials, leader newsletters, and one-on-one support to make the study a success. Learn more about offering the study
Susan Miller, America’s Moving Coach® and Founder of Just Moved Ministry, is invited to speak nationally and internationally at women’s events, leadership conferences, military installations, and for corporations that relocate their employees.
Learn more and inquire about Susan’s speaking availability at www.susanmiller.org