Take time to linger

Summer time is certainly a slower pace for those of us who live with tight schedules that seem to fill our days the rest of the year. For me, it’s a welcomed slower pace. A time to catch up with things I’ve put off doing and linger awhile doing things I enjoy – reading a good book, spending precious time with family and long-distance friends who nourish my soul, learning something new like rock painting, pickleball, line dancing, and Wordle. All good and healthy things to do emotionally, physically, and mentally.
To the contrary, I have also found myself lingering a little too much on Social Media and Netflix, eating junk food, procrastinating, being lazy, and having a negative attitude.
Do I hear an “amen” or am I the only one who slips into these summer patterns? I guess we could blame it on the heat, but it all comes down to our choices. Will we linger a little too long on Social Media and Netflix, eat unhealthy food, procrastinate a task, have a dippy-do lazy day, or be in the pits with a negative attitude? Let’s be real. Sure we will. But . . . we can choose not to get stuck in these or other not-so-good patterns.
All that said, when I really ponder the word linger, my mind drifts back to some favorite stories of people in the Bible. I can only imagine, what if they had not lingered?
- Mary, who lingered at the feet of Jesus to listen to Him speak, while her sister, Martha, was distracted with the preparations. Mary chose the one thing needed – being with Jesus. (Luke 10:39)
- The Samaritan woman who lingered in conversation with Jesus at the well. She walked away knowing He was Christ, the son of God. (John 4:1-30)
- The parable of the widow who persistently lingered in line as she waited her turn to be heard. From this we learn to pray at all times and to not lose heart. God hears our prayers. (Luke 18:1-5)
- Pharaoh’s daughter, who lingered at the river and saw the basket that held a baby who she named Moses. He later led the Israelites out of Egypt. (Exodus 2:1-10)
- Timothy, who lingered and learned from his mentor and friend, Paul the apostle. He went on to become a great preacher, teacher, and missionary. (II Timothy 1-4)
What if you and I choose to linger more and longer . . .
with God and His word,
with our husbands and children,
with our families and friends,
with the beauty of a sunset.
I can only imagine how much lingering and loving one another would change relationships and change hearts in our “hurry-up” world.
And, like countless women and men in the Bible, who knows what a difference it will make in our own lives.
From My Heart to Yours,