When I Feel All Alone
by Kate Bowler

O God,
I feel alone. There doesn’t seem to be an end of it, no bottom to this sense that there is no one else who sees me. Or understands me. Or has to bear this burden. I am all alone. And it feels ugly. Like I deserve it or something. But God, that can’t be right.
Come to my awareness. Take hold of me, for I am sinking. I call out to you in my need. For you, O Lord, are good and full of mercy. I remember, you have been there in the bleakest of times before. And you are here now.
Awaken me to the truth that I was never actually alone and am not alone now. Never.
For you are a God with us, the Immanuel. You are singing my soul awake. O God I thank you and praise you and say “be near me Lord Jesus, I ask you to stay close by me forever and love me I pray,”
in your holy name, Amen.