Standing in line at the check-out counter

standing in line at the check-out counterWhen I am standing in line at the check-out counter, the magazine covers and article titles are a stark reality of what the world would have me buy into, and believe, about how to look, how to behave, what to buy, and what to wear. (Sometimes the only positive thing I see is the emphasis on eating healthy!) The sad thing for me is that so many of us, our daughters, and granddaughters, are buying into this advertising as an accepted way of life.

Every time I’m waiting in line with the magazine covers screaming “pick me,” I have to remind myself of the source of my identity, my self-worth, and my confidence. These things come from Jesus Christ, not from what I see and hear in the magazines and advertisements.

I refuse to buy into what the world would have me believe, but choose to believe what the word of God tells me about who I am. 

Yes, I want to know the latest trends in fashion just like everyone else. (Although I have learned over the years that everything that’s trendy doesn’t always look good on me, or is appropriate, even if it is “in” or popular.) Of course, I want tips on how to look my best for my age, height, and weight. I’m always looking for a bargain, so naturally I want to know where and what is the best buy. However, none of these things are who I am. They may help pull me together on the outside, but it’s what’s going on inside that reflects my confidence and self-worth.

I’ll be honest with you, it took me a lot of years to figure this out. I think we all go through stages in life where we get wrapped up in the wrong identity for any number of reasons. I know I certainly did.

Then, as I became more secure and confident in my relationship with Jesus over the years, I began to dress myself in the identity of Christ.

Perhaps you are at a crossroad of belief in yourself right now. You stand at the check-out counter on the brink of choosing a magazine that you think will make a difference in how you look, or feel  about yourself. Oh, go ahead and buy it, it will make for a good read—just don’t “buy into” it. Instead, choose Jesus for your role-model, and  “buy into”  His word.

You are precious in His sight…Isaiah 43:4

You are loved more than life itself…John 3:16

In His eyes, you are accepted…Romans 15:7

You are valued beyond measure…Matthew 10:31

Through Him, you are forgiven…Nehemiah 9:17

God’s truth about who you are will make a life-changing difference in defining your identity, from the inside out.

Susan MillerFrom My Heart to Yours,


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