Fear and gophers – a tale of courage and empowerment

It’s true. I have gophers in my backyard. My backyard wall, (walls are common around houses in Arizona), backs up to a shallow ravine, commonly called a “wash” in neighborhoods like mine. I love the privacy the wash provides between my home and the neighbors’ homes. My neighbors can’t see me on my patio in…

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A Renovated Heart in the Midst of Dust and Chaos

by Susan Miller Oh what fun…the projects we plan…the schedules we set! So many of my friends are in the middle of a home makeover and dealing with the stress of waiting. They wait to get on the schedule of busy contractors and workers. They wait on backorders to get building materials, furniture, or appliances.…

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Never underestimate the power of simple acts of kindness

by Susan Miller People never cease to amaze me with their acts of kindness. I marvel at the creative ideas that can come from simple gestures in life, and then how they begin to blossom into a ministry of kindness and encouragement. Sometimes doing something kind starts with an idea, and then somehow evolves beyond…

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