Breathings of My Heart

Here's an alt tag for the image: Pink hand-drawn heart symbol.

by Susan Miller “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” This quote by William Wordsworth is taped to my computer to inspire me when I sit down to write. So many times, I’ve done just that—let my heart breathe the words out loud as I write. And yet, lately I have felt like…

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Seasons of Change

Vibrant red and burgundy autumn leaves.

The recess bell of summer has rung! School is in session once again. Whether you are a mom with children back in school, teens starting high school, college students settling in on campus, or even if you are taking some classes on your own—it’s back to schedules, back to routine, and back to homework. No…

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A Do-Over Day

Yellow curved back arrow button.

Ever had one of those days, or even one of those weeks, when you just couldn’t seem to pull yourself, or your life, together? True confession. I have, and it’s not a pretty picture of me. Those are the days when I’m overwhelmed, overloaded, over scheduled, and simply pooped at the end of the day.…

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