Knee deep in lemonade and life lessons

I wrote this timeless blog years ago about the summer adventures of my grandchildren and the things I learned from them and about them during our time together. Time has flown by so fast. Now, one is in college, one just graduated from high school, and four range from a freshman to a senior in…

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Lessons Learned From an Old Bench

One of the sweet memories I have of my daddy was sitting beside him many years ago on a hand-made, hand-painted bench in our back yard. He made it out of scraps of wood from his wood pile and it has remained strong and steady for over 40 years. He built it with the skill…

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An Afternoon Life Lesson

Trish was in our After the Boxes Are Unpacked study many years ago, after she moved here from California to retire. We would see each other at church for a few years after that, then our paths didn’t cross again. As the years slipped by, Trish faithfully stayed in touch with our ministry and became a…

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