I loved where we lived before we moved


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In my old home, my friends and family were all within driving distance, I had a church family and a small group that I loved.

We moved when my husband changed careers and he couldn’t be happier. He loves his life here. I do not.

A year and a half later and I am still struggling. I have so many blessings and yet I miss my friends. I can’t get past that.

My husband’s work is good, but he works a lot. My friends back home have busy lives and don’t want to hear how unhappy I am and the ladies I have met here are great, but they are not ready for a relationship yet.

I have come a long way, but I still have difficult days.

I really want to move out of this phase. My struggles have lead to anger, resentment, blame – you name it, I have it and my husband has heard it all.

Needless to say my marriage has taken quite a few hits from this move. I haven’t been very nice. I wanted him to feel badly like me and he just doesn’t get it and I can’t make him, so it’s time to change things for myself. We have recently joined a marriage group at church and we both really like it, so I am sure this will help. My husband is so sure that this is where God wants us and I have never felt that peace about it.

I have been angry with God for moving us.

My personality is such that I don’t do change well, at least not a big change like this. I had actually moved away from God and now I am coming back. My husband is a good man and a good husband/father and I want him to know this.

I am going back to reading your book, After the Boxes are Unpacked, diving into God’s word and signing up for Bible study.

I do have a good life, I just have to remember that.

This ministry is so valuable. I am only one woman in the tens of thousands of women you have ministered to, but I want you to know how helpful your book has been to me and will continue to be for many women. What a wonderful blessing your ministry is. I hope that God continues to bless the work that you are doing.

You give us hope and you give value to what we are going through.


  1. Anita Morton on September 9, 2023 at 9:53 am

    Hey Anonymous, Fellow Mover!
    You’re not alone in struggling with a move. My husband and I searched for a few years to downsize once my husband retired from the Army and daughter began college. We had moved several times all over the world, but our last move lead us to 8 years in Alabama with friends, family, & ministry there. I do believe that God determines the set times and places we should live so that we might seek God & find Him (Acts 17:26-27).

    This summer, we found a house in a different state, Wyoming. Our house sold quickly in Alabama, & I’m still confused about what God is up to, with more boxes to unpack. My husband wanted this move more than I did so I’m waiting impatiently on God. I’ve doubted & questioned Him with bluer depression than usual.

    While unpacking, I found a study “Experiencing God” that I’d started & never finished years ago. God was reaching out to me so that I might seek Him & find Him. God & His Word are holding onto me, and I know He’s holding onto you too.

  2. Polly Wick on September 9, 2023 at 6:31 am

    Dear anonymous,
    I so get you. This may sound shallow but it wasn’t the people I missed when I moved, but the place. From green and blue majestic mountains and sea to the brown desert. After this hot summer I’ve gone backwards with longing. But I do want to say as an encouragement it took time for my eyes to change and friendships to grow. You’re doing all the right things. Thank you for writing.

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