Simple hearts in a complex world

Mary holding baby Jesus in manger.

By Brian Morykon, Director of Communications at Renovaré Somewhere along the line, Christmas got complicated. Maybe it doesn’t have to be. Just saying that feels idealistic—I’ve got three kids and a mortgage—but dream with me for a minute. Some complexity is an unavoidable consequence of living in the modern age. The rest of it is…

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Unsettled and out of place in my new home

Red Christmas ornament on tree.

by Jesse Prentiss Decorating for the first Christmas in my new house after moving from Ohio to Texas started out exciting as we determined where we should put the tree and hung the stockings on the new fireplace mantel. I sang along to “Deck the Halls” as I unpacked décor boxes like a giddy kid on Christmas…

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Spoken or Written, Jesus Loves Our Prayers

Cozy reading nook with coffee.

by Polly Wick Writing my prayers is how I best communicate with Jesus. Words get all mixed up coming out of my mouth when praying out loud. This Thanksgiving I so wanted to say the prayer. I tried. It fell flat. And I had so much to say! I love it when friends pray from…

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