Spoken or Written, Jesus Loves Our Prayers

by Polly Wick

Writing my prayers is how I best communicate with Jesus. Words get all mixed up coming out of my mouth when praying out loud. This Thanksgiving I so wanted to say the prayer. I tried. It fell flat. And I had so much to say! I love it when friends pray from their heart with simple eloquence. Their names come to mind as I write. The sweet words pour from their mouth and fill the atmosphere. I wish and hope I’ll pray that way too, someday. Spoken or written, I know He loves our prayers.

It used to be that I kept a journal for therapeutic release. Cases were built in great one-sided detail and emotions vented. The clean page was often used as a self-righteous dumping place. Jesus was left out, compartmentalized.

What changed? Relationship.

Writing with Jesus is a reverent and tender relationship. The page is no longer used to dump but to share and worship. All I struggle with He hears and reminds me of His Word. If I ask, He answers. I write it down.

I’m committed, this Advent season, to come to my corner with a sense of wonder and awe as I write my way to sunrise. While the coffee brews, I’ll light the candle and switch on the fire. I have a new liturgical devotional that puts my prayers in order: worship, confession, intercessory prayer and then, conversation. The season begins.

O come, O come Emmanuel


  1. Cindy Heller on December 1, 2023 at 2:39 pm

    💕💕💕 Beautiful, sincere approach that warms my heart. Sharing our very personal journeys of relationship with the Holy One is true intimacy with each other, something Immanuel cherishes. Thank you Polly.

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