Do the next thing

Here's an alt tag for the image: Green "Next" arrow button.

Tips for moving forward with life by Susan Miller When you feel overwhelmed – easy to do at this time of year – Susan Miller suggests a wonderful, one-step process to get you through: Step 1: Just do the next thing. No second step. No third. Just do the next thing. If you are reeling…

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Coping with the Stress of Moving Over the Holidays

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Moving truck driving on a road`

by Susan Miller, Founder of Just Moved Ministry Moving can be emotionally difficult and stressful even in the best circumstances. With the holidays facing you during a time of transition and change, it can be especially hard. There may be days when the stress of moving is overwhelming and you feel totally immobile to unpack…

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The Post-holiday Bomb Cyclone of Emotions

Two angry cartoon tornadoes colliding.

Seek shelter with these 11 steps by Jesse Prentiss All around the nation, women are bracing for a storm of emotions with post-holiday blues in the forecast. As a recent mover, it could be an all out record-breaking bomb cyclone for you. This winter super storm forms from a drastic drop in the atmospheric pressure.…

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