Fear and gophers – a tale of courage and empowerment

Here's an alt tag for the image: Pocket gopher emerging from burrow.

It’s true. I have gophers in my backyard. My backyard wall, (walls are common around houses in Arizona), backs up to a shallow ravine, commonly called a “wash” in neighborhoods like mine. I love the privacy the wash provides between my home and the neighbors’ homes. My neighbors can’t see me on my patio in…

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A life lesson from my daughter’s hand

Two hands holding each other in a circle.

I continue to marvel at the life lessons I learn from my adult children as they teach their children through example. Recently my daughter and I were reminiscing about my grandchildren’s early childhood, and she shared with me about her experience at the zoo with my youngest grandson who, at the time, was six years…

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The Emotional Pandemic You Face

Here's an alt tag for the image: `Scrabble tiles spelling "anxiety"`

Most of us have never had to go through a worldwide pandemic that has caused such a magnitude of change to our country and to our daily lives. Millions of people have had their lives uprooted and changed by the physical effects of illness, death, or loss of a job or business. They may be…

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