Beyond Words
By Carol McGlothlin, former military spouse

“Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused†(Romans 1:21).
Thankfulness is just like anything else in our daily lives―if we aren’t careful, we might miss it. Each day is filled with so many things for which to be thankful. Often, we don’t even realize the blessings we have until they are gone.
In my morning prayers, I thank God, my Creator, for allowing me the privilege to take a breath and get out of bed that day. I am aware that every day is a miracle and a blessing from the Lord. If you think you might not have anything to be truly thankful for in your life, examine your heart.
Did you sleep in a soft, cushy bed last night? Were you able to adjust the temperature just right in order to cuddle up under the covers? Was there an actual roof over your head? Did you have a shower and freshen up before you dressed for bed?
Did you wake up this morning and go straight to get your first cup of coffee? Were you able to turn on the television to catch up on the news and weather? Were you then able to have choices for what you would eat for breakfast?
Those questions only get us from bedtime through the first hour or two of our morning, and already we have so much for which to be thankful. Imagine those who are serving in foreign lands. Most of them cannot answer yes to any of those questions. There are those serving who get up in the morning and give thanks for God allowing them to be alive and fighting for a cause in their lives.
I want to be thankful for the time I have on this earth. I want to spend time with family and friends and be thankful that every memory we make together will last a lifetime, even for generations to come.
On this November day, I am grateful beyond any words that I could put on paper, for the continued sacrifice and commitment of our military members and their families. It is beyond words what they experience and how they live from day to day in service to America. I want to say thank you to all those who have chosen to be a part of the military lifestyle. Your service will be a legacy to all who come after you.
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Father God, on this day I am grateful to you as my Creator and my Savior. I ask your blessing on those who are less fortunate than me and my fellow Americans. I ask that you grant peace and safety to those fighting in other countries today. Amen
Taken from The One Year ® Yellow Ribbon Devotional by Brenda Pace and Carol McGlothlin. Copyright © 2008 by Brenda Pace and Carol McGlothlin. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publisher, inc., Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved.
My son in law is a Chaplin in the National Guard Reserve.
The Creator called him to this ministry a few years ago. He recently was sent to East TN to serve the people and Families of the community post Hurricane flooding and loss. I am always honored when he sends me prayer request for the community he is serving. Soon He will be serving the families of those men & women who are deployed from his unit here in TN. Thank you Father/God for the Chaplins who are serving your people. Dianne Strickler, Franklin, TN