The Post-holiday Bomb Cyclone of Emotions

Two angry cartoon tornadoes colliding.

Seek shelter with these 11 steps by Jesse Prentiss All around the nation, women are bracing for a storm of emotions with post-holiday blues in the forecast. As a recent mover, it could be an all out record-breaking bomb cyclone for you. This winter super storm forms from a drastic drop in the atmospheric pressure.…

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Parenting with fun, empathy, assurance, and resolve

Two gold wedding rings sitting on top of a white surface.

Susan Miller interviews Sharoya Ham, a Compassionate Parent Coach and Behavior Specialist with 25 years of experience. Sharoya is the Founder of Embrace Behavior Change and specializes in helping parents move from a state of overwhelm to a place of calm and confidence. She is also a mom to three sons. All behavior is communication.…

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Preparing Your Heart for a Move

Here's an alt tag for the image: Three doors, love choice, heart background.

Where Do You Begin? A friend asked if she could meet with me for coffee last week. There was a sense of urgency in her voice and her eyes were brimming with tears. Her news was all too familiar. “We are moving,” she said. “With the pandemic layoffs here, my husband has been looking for…

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