Are you anticipating a move or recovering from one?
Be encouraged and learn helpful tips in our online library to help you survive and thrive! Click on a topic below.

Moving to a new community
Initiate connection in your new neighborhood
Should it come with you when you move?
15 stress-busters when you’re settling in to a new place
Susan Miller answers your questions about adjusting to a move
Moving tips from a seasoned mover
10 tips when packing for a move

After the move
Life on pause: waiting to begin again
Ideas for getting settled in your new community
Now what? You’re new in town and you have too much time on your hands
15 stress-busters when you’re settling in to a new place
Issue of Bloom: Making a fresh start
8 steps to help you reach out, get involved, and build relationships
Issue of Bloom: Reaching out, making friends

Regain your sense of identity
Handle with care. Identity lost in the move

A military mover offers insight and tips for a smoother move
Married to the military and multiple moves
Army Wife Network interview with Susan Miller. Interview begins at minute 11:34 Listen now