Are you anticipating a move or recovering from one?

Be encouraged and learn helpful tips in our online library to help you survive and thrive! Click on a topic below.

A moving truck with the door open and ramp down.
A family is moving into their new home.
A man and woman sitting on the ground
Two gold wedding rings sitting on top of a white surface.
A group of people shaking hands in front of some buildings.
A woman smiling with her hand on her face.
A person sitting on the couch with their hands crossed.
A green name tag with the words " hello who am i ?" on it.
A woman standing in the sunlight near trees.
A sign that says change ahead with a sky background
A person is decorating the christmas tree
A man and woman in uniform hugging each other.


A military mover offers insight and tips for a smoother move

Married to the military and multiple moves

Army Wife Network interview with Susan Miller. Interview begins at minute 11:34  Listen now

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